
Welcome to Mrs. Smith's 4th grade blog! I hope this keeps you up to date with our class. Enjoy the pictures and links.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Yearbook page

End of the year news!

We have several exciting things happening in 4th grade!
First and foremost, your child is bringing home a sheet of paper today that has his/her scores from all 3 of the state assessments. This paper shows you your child’s score as well as the category into which each of those scores fall.
Also, we have a couple of field trips coming up. On Tuesday, May 18th, we will be going to the Cosmosphere first thing in the morning. We’ll be watching an IMAX show that the Cosmosphere has specially ordered to support our Social Studies curriculum, a planetarium show, and a Dr. Goddard’s Lab show! Each student will need to bring a sack lunch and we will be eating at a park or at the Cosmosphere before we come back to school.
On Wednesday, May 19th, we will be needing sack lunches again. We will be walking to the Buhler Park in the late morning and spending some time playing - soccer, softball, possibly even fishing. We will be eating our sack lunches and then having some fun activities… a hula-hoop contest, a limbo contest, and a talent show! We will need a few parent volunteers that day to help supervise games at the park, handle any worms/fish/hooks for fishing, and help carry supplies there and back. Please let me know if you’d be able to help that day - I think we’ll be at the park from 10:30 to around 1:00.
Have a great weekend!

Monday, March 29, 2010


I hope everyone had a fabulous spring break! All of the students shared about their time off, and it sounds like many of you had a wonderful time away from school. The next few weeks are packed full of preparation for both state math assessments and the 3rd/4th grade music program. Each afternoon this week we will be working on math centers including practice in calculating perimeter, double digit multiplication, reading graphs, measuring to the nearest 1/4 inch, and input/output tables. We are also beginning a novel unit for reading. Each student has a self-selected William Allen White novel that he/she is reading over the next week. Next week students will create a Keynote presentation about their book and share it with the class. There are daily reading assignments that should be completed in order to stay on track - ask your student about this project and if they need to be doing any reading at home. Over the next 2 weeks we will also be finishing up our unit on the southwest region of the United States so notes should be coming home to prepare for the chapter test.
Thanks for all of your support,
Mrs. Smith

Monday, March 8, 2010


Today we got to go on a new website called ''''.Tomorrow we have Library.On Wednesday we are watching a movie provided by Mrs. La Force.Thursday Mrs. Smith is going to a tech meeting and we are having Mrs. Witthun as a sub.Thursday is also the end of the nine weeks so all papers have to be turned in.Friday we have no school because of professional development.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Today was PJ day at BGS! The theme for today was "Cuddle up with a book and read." This morning we watched the Buhler Singers dance and sing. They told us about the kiddie clinic that will be coming up March. (Parents - if your student would like to attend, please send in the order form with a check for $25.) In science we watched a water cycle video and learned a song to help us remember the cycle. During reading we did a worksheet on main ideas and details. Mrs. Smith read us "Peppermints in the Parlor," for Read Across America week in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday. At the end of the day we had birthday treats for our classroom cadet. She brought ice cream floats for everyone! Remember there is NO SCHOOL on Thursday or Friday because of conferences.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Today in reading we continued with our chocolate unit and read as much as we could. YUM! This morning we did ADD math and then went to the Emmy awards. Jordan Arheart's brother was in the group that won "best movie" for 6th grade. We also did Drops In A Bucket during Mrs. Emery's group and worked on Education City during our independent center. We got to go outside today for recess for the first time in a long time. In math we practiced creating lines of symmetry in shapes and pictures. We took funny pictures of ourselves and colored them in and found the line of symmetry. Tomorrow we are going to do our 100 point party and our Valentine party in the afternoon. WOOHOO! :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentine Party

We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12 at 1:00 p.m. If your child is interested in bringing a treat, drink, or paper goods for the party please email or call me. Currently we have games and 2 treats taken care of, but we are still needing plates, napkins, and drinks.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Last week in January

1. sod
2. interstate
3. highway
4. system
5. trade
6. fur
7. steamboat
8. railroad
9. mission
10. hub
11. trading
12. post
13. mound
14. traditional
15. cargo
16. canoe
17. gathering
18. settle
19. plow
20. route
21. transcontinental
22. reservations
23. settlement
24. ceremonies
25. movement

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happening this week . . .


If you want to be a Sunflower Reader Early Bird and earn a pizza party, then you need to have your 20 books read by this Friday, January 22! We have 4 students in our class that already have theirs completed - how many more books do you need? Remember, even if you don't have all 20 by this Friday, you can still earn the Sunflower Reader award by reading 20 books by the middle of May. Keep Reading!

SPELLING LIST 1-19-10 from "Sarah Plain and Tall"
1. tiger
2. drive
3. reply
4. roll
5. note
6. crow
7. oak
8. iron
9. alike
10. supply
11. tomato
12. stove
13. below
14. groan
15. title
16. pine
17. overhead
18. chose
19. hollow
20. file
21. eerie
22. huddled
23. pesky
24. reins
25. squall

Don't forget - you can practice your spelling words on

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy January!

The beginning of a new year provides us all with a fresh start and has us moving quickly to stay on top of things. Already a lot has happened during our first week back at school.

Spelling Bee Participants
On Thursday, 4th grade students choosing to participate took a written spelling exam to qualify for the oral spelling competition held within our grade level. There were 2 winners and one alternate established from each class. The winners will represent our grade level at the BGS Spelling Bee on Tuesday, January 12 in the BGS gymnasium. Congratulations to our classroom winners - Morgyn & Jordan, and our alternate - Adam, for fantastic spelling under pressure! The winner of our school spelling bee will move on to represent BGS at the Reno County Spelling Bee at the end of January. Good luck!

Kansas History
In January we celebrate Kansas's birthday so it is the perfect month for us to learn more about out state. Throughout this month your student will be studying everything about Kansas from government and land to explorers and famous people from our state. Each student will be assigned to research a famous Kansan during our library times and will be creating a technology presentation to share with the class.

This unit also supports the region we are studying in social studies: the Midwest. Chapters 8 & 9 in our social studies book will be the focus of study for the next few weeks. We will be learning about the land, economy, and people of the midwest region. The assessment for this information will be a UNIT test instead of a chapter test and will take place at the end of the month.

Measurement Madness!
We will be immersing ourselves in the world of measurement during the month of January. During math time we will be studying customary/standard measurement and during science we will be exploring metric measurement. Practice many different types of measurement at home with your student. There are daily opportunities to practice these skills while following a recipe, calculating distance between cities while traveling, following a pattern while sewing, weighing things on the bathroom scale, or just exploring the length of objects around the house.